As theatre artists, we need a constant reminder to stay PLAYFUL. After all, we do PLAYS, so the act of being PLAYFUL should sit in the core of our training. But this can be hard to remember, especially when we are in the thick of learning lines, drilling choreography, and honing vocal technique.  So, one of our students, AVA created a mascot for TAS+SD to keep us mindful of our PLAYFULNESS.  Its name is, of course, PLAY!

Ava designed PLAY! on paper, and then we turned PLAY! into a real character that will serve as the 2017-2018 TAS+SD Mascot. We are so proud of Ava and her creativity!

More students joined in the fun and created their own designs! You will be able to view their designs, and meet PLAY!, starting in September at the TAS+SD studios! This creativity will inspire us in the months to come as we look forward to an awesome 2017-2018 season!
